Here we will use the temperature conversion formula
F = C x 9 / 5 +32
In this example temperature in Celsius is 40
F = 40 x 9 / 5 + 32
= 104 F
Because the Celsius scale is orientated so that there are exactly a hundred different units among the freezing point (0°C) and boiling factor (a 100°C) of water. Fahrenheit, then again, is different so that there are exactly a hundred different units in the freezing point of a 50/50 brine solution (0°F) and the internal body temperature of a horse with a fever (a 100°F). When those different units are compared it’s far located that for each degree within the Celsius scale (or Centigrade) that a temperature rises, the Fahrenheit scale increases by 1.8 levels, or for each 5°C the temperature rises by 9°F.
Here is how you can convert 30 degrees as well.