
Barometer vs Thermometer | Difference Explained

A thermometer is a device that measures temperature or a temperature gradient. The word thermometer comes from the Greek words therme, meaning heat, and metron. There are three main types of thermometers: liquid-in-glass thermometers, bimetallic strip thermometers and electronic thermometers. Modern techniques to measure thermometer are with the help of thermistors, Thermocouples, Resistance Temperature Detectors […]

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What materials are thermometer made of

Thermometers are made of materials that can measure and indicate temperature changes. Common thermometer materials include mercury, alcohol, and bi-metal strips. Mercury is used in most traditional thermometers, while alcohol is often found in clinical thermometers. Bi-metal strips are used in inexpensive digital thermometers. The material chosen for a thermometer affects its sensitivity to temperature

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If a thermometer indicates 30 degrees Celsius, what is the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit?

Start by taking a number in Celsius and multiplying by 9. Then divide that number by 5 and add 32. This is how the Celsius is converted into Fahrenheit or use the equation F= (9/5) C + 32   In this case, the answer will be 82-degree Fahrenheit. How to convert temperatures? By using these

If a thermometer indicates 30 degrees Celsius, what is the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit? Read More »

When the Alcohol Thermometer is placed in 20∘c water, what temperature will be recorded

When an alcohol thermometer is placed in 20-degree centigrade water the thermometer will record a temperature greater than 20 degrees centigrade. According to the equation T = v / v β The temperature change is inversely related to the coefficient of expansion. The value of beta for alcohol is 1.12 x 10-4 C -1. So,

When the Alcohol Thermometer is placed in 20∘c water, what temperature will be recorded Read More »